Author: lemusadmin

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Cleaning With Baking Soda and Vinegar

Cleaning With Baking Soda and Vinegar While it is true you purchase brand-name cleaning products for specific tasks around the home, such as carpet spotters or toilet bowl cleaners, you have some chemicals you use every day that can also be used for cleaning. You no doubt have heard of the many uses of baking […]
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Hints from Housekeepers…..

Hints from Housekeepers You pride yourself on your own abilities and skills to keep your home clean and healthy. And while you know what you are doing, who doesn’t appreciate a few tips now and then to make the work easier — and more effective? One source of tips can be professional housekeepers, those who […]
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Battling Tobacco Product Odors

Battling Tobacco Product Odors For those who use tobacco products, they may not notice the lingering odors that hang around in the air and stubbornly invade porous materials such as carpet, upholstery, fabrics and more. But for non-smokers, those lingering odors are a nuisance, and many valuable hours have fruitlessly been spent on attempting to […]
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The Battle Against Refrigerator Odors

The Battle Against Refrigerator Odors It’s no surprise when you notice a nasty odor from your garbage can, especially when it’s full. But it might be a surprise when you get a whiff of a nasty smell emanating from your refrigerator, which should normally be a haven of delicious foods and enticing aromas. Your refrigerator […]
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The Dreaded Litter Box

It’s part of the home that you try to hide. It’s one that you hope no one stumbles across and, of course, hope no one sniffs and notices it is there. If you have cats, you know exactly what we are talking about. If you have cats, you either train them to go outside (unlikely) […]
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Do disinfectant wipes actually kill germs?

Do disinfectant wipes actually kill germs? Cleaning is a daily habit that might keep you from getting sick. Your home could be filled with different kinds of germs, from your kitchen counter to your bathroom floor. Many chemical-based cleaning products or natural cleaners claim to do the job, but do disinfectant wipes really kill germs? […]
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Happy Presidents day !

Washington’s Birthday is a United States federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first President of the United States, who was born on February 22, 1732. Since the Uniform Federal Holidays Act of 1971, its observance can occur from February 15 to 21,
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Cleaning Grease

Cleaning Grease Your appliances all play a vital role in the household, and especially more so during winter and the holiday season. With family, friends, and others close to you all gathering together and enjoying both festivities and home-cooked meals, your appliances can take a beating that requires regular attention and the occasional dreaded “deep […]
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The Nooks and Crannies

Your home has plenty of areas for dirt and grime to hide. Locating them may seem easy. Cleaning them effectively is something else. Most homeowners spend plenty of time sweeping, vacuuming, scrubbing, and cleaning areas that are obviously soiled and become soiled daily. There are areas that can really get gross in a short amount […]